Tuesday, May 28, 2013

BCA III SEM Syllabus

Learning outcome:                                                                                                             
To understand application of Object Orientation in programming; to develop GUI applications using Visual Basic Language.

Module 1: Object Orientation:                                                                                                                                             10 Hours
Concept of objects, Objects in software, Areas of Object Technology e.g. Object Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object Oriented Databases ( OODBs). Brief history of object orientation, Basic Terminology and ideas e.g. Abstraction / Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Aggregation, Behavior and Message passing etc. Comparing approach – Procedural and object oriented Programming.

Module 2: Getting started with VB:                                                                                                                                     10 Hours
The Integrated Development Environment (IDE), the elements of the user interface, designing the user interface, programming and application, customizing the environment 

Module 3: Visual Basic Language:                                                                                                                                     15 Hours     
Variables, constants, Arrays, Collections, Procedures, Arguments, Function return values, control flow statements – if then, if then else, select case, loop statements – Do loop, For Next, While Wend, Nested Control Structures, Exit Statements. 
Working with Forms: The appearance of forms, designing forms, building dynamic forms at run time, Drag and Drop operator. 

Module 4: Basic ActiveX Controls:                                                                                                                                    10 Hours
The Text Box Control, The list Box and Combo Box Controls, The Scroll Bar and Slider Controls, The file Control, The common Dialogs Control, The tree view and list view controls, The Rich Text Box Controls, The MS Flex Grid Controls. 

Module 5: Data Base Programming with VB:                                                                                                                    15 Hours
Under Standing Databases and data base Management System, Under Standing relational Concepts, Using visual data manager, The Structure of the B/BLIO database, validating data, Entering data, Accessing fields in record sets, An Introduction to SQL, and Advanced data bound controls, Mapping databases. 

Books for Reference
1)       Mastering Visual Basic 6: Evangebs  Petrouteros, BPB Pub (Latest Edition).
2)       Complete Reference Visual Basic 6, Tata McGraw- Hill Edition.
3)       Special Edition Using Visual Basic 6, Siler-Spotts Publication.

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